We had just been informed that Vaclav Kotesovec had posted a link to this topic on his well known website.. We would like to inform those visitors that up to now the ChessProblems.ca Forums (entirely dedicated to series-movers tasks and records) had been "
invitational" only, and the access to many areas is restricted. For those interested, in order to cast the vote above you need to be both a registered member and logged-in.
We would like to take this opportunity to relax the forums access policies (unabridged
here), therefore anyone interested is invited to create a user account, in order to get full access to the public forums. The registration is a moderated process, and each request needs to be approved before the account becomes active. To speed up this process please send a quick notification email to cornelpacurar-AT-gmail.com shortly after the account is created, from the same email address used when creating the user account. Please also note that the access to the private workshops is further restricted.
A few more details about the online tournaments. They will be similar in nature with the ones previously organized by Jean-Marie Choreïn (
TT2 (
TT3 (
results)), Nicolas Dupont (
TT1) and, more importantly, Itamar Faybish (
TT1, TT2, TT3, TT4 and TT5), but at the same time they will be different in some respects! If the two tournaments will materialize, the exact themes will be announced on December 25th, 2009, 00:00 GMT and, respectively, January 7th, 2010, 00:00 GMT. The 12-days quick tournament will, most likely, employ a very rarely used series stipulation and it will be open for compositions with not more than 12 units; there will be two book prizes: one for the longest such problem, and one for the composer holding the biggest number of "
per unit" length records (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 units). The 45-days tournament will be quite different: there will be two sections, one with and one without promoted units, with 3 prizes each. To enter the competition in either section, a seriesmover with not less than 45 moves would be required. Any series stipulation, as well as either one fairy condition (with some exceptions, for instance Grid Chess) or one type of fairy piece would be allowed. Of course, there will be one other special 'condition' which will become the common denominator, but that will only be announced on January 7th!
Thank you for visiting and for your interest!